
Full information about Establishment Cafcass at Greenfield House, 32 Scotland Street, Sheffield, England S3 7DQ. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Greenfield House, 32 Scotland Street, Sheffield, England S3 7DQ
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Phone number:
+44 300 456 4000



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Reviews about Cafcass

  • David Beaumont
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Pat Benavithis - Cohesive control, Cohesion with intent, Psychopathy, Harrasment, Anti-Social, Bulling, Biggotted, Gender Bias, abuse of power, promotion and cover up of child abuse. Reported March 2016.
    Margaret Wilson - Gender bias against men, false testimony and described as 'unfit for purpose'. Reported June 2015.
    Joy Chambers (formerly of Hull) - Reached a decision following a three minute telephone conversation. Reported August 2015.
    Joy Chambers (formerly of Hull) - Sent malicious emails ridiculing a parent to contact workers. Dishonest and arrogant. Reported January 2016.
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